
Tacky And Trashy Party

Hillbilly/White Trash Party - Canned Cheese Spread




Tacky and Trashy Party


Carla in Chandler, AZ


November 2006



My husband and I recently hosted a Hillbilly/White Trash Couples Bunco night.  I wasn't quite sure how to pull off this theme (voted on by the group), but I think it turned out great. 

In advance, I had taped several Jerry Springer shows on DVR.  I had these playing, silently, on our TV throughout the night.  I also burned a CD including songs with "white trash," "hillbilly," or "redneck" in the title, as well as some Hank Williams Jr., etc. 

We asked everyone to dress up in their trashiest attire (some of the costumes were hilarious!). 

For decorations (this was in October), I strung some Christmas lights out front and placed a large, light-up Santa on our lawn.  I had purchased a really run-down barcalounger type chair at the Goodwill for $15, and I set that on our front porch. 

In the backyard, I strung a laundry line and hung some lingerie I had purchased at the dollar store.  I also purchased a new toilet bowl at a home improvement store and put ice and beer bottles inside. 

I cut the top of a two-liter soda bottle and put fake flowers in it for a centerpiece, and covered every table with a cheesy tablecloth from the dollar store. 

For snacks, I had an elegant cheese platter set up (with crackers fanned out and grapes on the side), but substituted several varities of canned/spray cheese where the blocks of cheese would normally lie.  I also had a pastry platter set up with all different Hostess-type products -twinkies and snowballs, etc. 

We brought in KFC and I made pigs-in-a-blanket (plus a variet of other "good" snacks). 

For prizes, I gave out Christmas lights and lottery tickets.  We also had a contest for trashiest woman and trashiest man, and anyone who tied in the game had to arm wrestle for the prize. 

All in all, a fun night!

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