
Baby Shower Party

Movie Night Shower - Popcorn & Candy Décor




Baby Shower Party


Heather in Cedar Park, Texas


July 2005



Baby Shower:  Theme:  Movie Night Invitations:  The invitations were printed on velum and then attached to paper that had gold stars on it.  It said, "A Star is Born..." and then gave details for a movie night theme shower.  You were instructed to bring your favorite movie clip involving a baby or small child and to wear your pj's.  They were attached to a bag of microwave popcorn and put in a cellophane bag that had gold stars and tied with gold ribbon.  Also, a movie ticket with the details was attached to the bag.

Decorations:  A red felt carpet was along the front walk and inside the table was covered with black velvet.  The table was decorated with large movie-theater candy boxes, Disney movie cases, white candles, gold and silver star confetti, and then the food was arranged on trays and the popcorn was in red and white striped popcorn boxes.  There was also a popcorn popper that looks like an old-fashioned popcorn cart. 

There were gold and silver stars hanging from the chandelier.  Over the fireplace was a movie poster someone had made using the computer of the happy parents-to-be and the title was "A Star is Born!"  They took large bulb Christmas lights and pulled them through a frame they made using cardboard painted silver. It looked like the posters at movie theaters.  Also there were large pieces of "film" cut out of black poster board and small movie posters of children's films were attached.  

Food:  There was theater candy, popcorn, nachos, and other appetizers.  The cake was actually fudge cupcakes that had silver stars on them.

Activity:  We watched the movie clips everyone brought and the last movie clip was one of the mother-to-be as a baby.  Some clips were funny, some were sad, some were weird, and it was great.  It felt like a big slumber party.

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