
Baby Shower Party

Luau Baby Shower - Invite in a Bottle




Baby Shower Party


Vickie in Lafayette, IN, USA


January 2008



This idea is for a Luau Baby Shower (with an adult theme) for my girlfriend's surprise second child! We live in the midwest and the shower was held in April.  The invitation read {insert name} got "leid" then rolled and tied with string small enough to fit into the neck of a clear glass bottle (Corona bottles are clear).  I also put sand and small shells in the bottle and placed a cork in the top.  I made a tropical themed label on the computer to put over any writing on the outside of the bottle.  On this label I put the name of the invitee and my name as hostess (to & from).  Of course these had to be hand delivered but you could mail them with proper packing if you wanted to. 

Decorations were those for a regular luau palm trees grass skirts on tables parrots shells basically anything water or beach related much of which I could find at local party supply stores such as Factory Card Outlet but Oriental Trading is a great source for party favors and decorations etc. too.  I also rented a frozen margarita machine and we had an option of pina coladas on one side and non-alcoholic straberry daquiris on the other side.  This was a huge hit!  These were complete with little umbrellas with pineapples for garnish. 

I researched on-line for authentic luau recipes and found some great ideas.  Although roasting a pig would've been fun the guest of honor does not like pork so I grilled chicken with a hawaiian theme of a pineapple glaze and also did pulled pork barbeque. 

Fresh fruit in pineapple boats and a watermelon carved into the shape of a baby carriage (just pin paper wheels on with toothpicks).  A wonderful Polenesian green salad completed the menu.  She also is not a fan of cake so we had miniature cheesecake bits instead. 

Of course we played some traditional games but my favorite one was to pair people off blindfold them all and have them feed each other baby food….have a video camera ready because this is really entertaining! The team who finished their jar off first won.  We did it in rounds because it was so entertaining others wanted to watch. Of course you want to do this is a place you can easily mop!  For guest prizes I found items at the dollar store that were summer outdoor related such as windsocks water toys etc. 

Everyone commented that they loved the theme and all the food and games.  It obviously wasn't your everday babyshower but my girlfriend loved it.  It helps if she and your guests have a sense of humor!  Although I have an annual Halloween party every year I think this party was the most fun to plan and pull off.  My favorite party was the invitations tho!"

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